March 17th Corona Virus
March 17th So things change by the day, sometimes by the hour. Our time off from school is now three weeks, a state mandate. I went in to school yesterday as teachers were asked to gather one more day to plan for at home activities for students. We were offered the choice of working remotely, so the only reason I went in was to get my computer and some books to read and study during this break. People are beginning to say they don't think we'll have school for the rest of the year. Watch this space. I'm inclined to agree with them, but there is so little we know at this point. The experts seem to be strongly communicating the best approach is social distancing, no more crowds, stay home, close down what you can. Some communities are beginning to shelter in place basically. My gut is telling me the country should do this, now. What are we waiting for. We are watching Italy as they now have to choose what patients will li...